Preventative Herbal Medicine

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As we move into fall and the soil is still warm from summer, we have an opportunity to shift with the seasons and align with fall herbs to support our systems by integrating preventative herbal medicine. When we connect to nature and the healing qualities of plants, we offer wisdom and strength to our bodies as a way of preventing illness with the changes around us.

From the bright blooms of summer, we begin to shift downwards towards the roots and harvesting medicine from the ground. We can also see the sweet seeds sown in the summer coming to fruition as many herbs prepare for cooler whether. In this transition we see how our bodies mimic nature. When our bodies start to integrate in this way, we will be more prepared for shorter, cooler days and less sunshine by providing proper nourishment.

Depending on where you live, the fall harvest season may come closer to the autumn equinox and the harvest moon, or fall harvesting might take you well into December. Notice how things are changing around you and what the plants in your ecosystem have to show you.

Nature is a perfect reflection of ourselves if we listen and watch closely.


Here are some of my favorite fall herbs to incorporate into your daily self care rituals:


Dandelion Root:

Spring dandelion root contains more bitter compounds, which makes sense when we think of it as a popular herb used for “spring cleaning,” or liver support. Fall harvested dandelion root, on the other hand, is higher in inulin, because the plant is beginning to store its sugars and other nutrients for the coming winter season. This makes it a great herbal prebiotic to support gut health. Take dandelion root tincture around meals and it will help to release digestive enzymes.

Shop Dandelion Tincture



Elderberries are loaded with antioxidants. They help move free radicals through the body, which tend to increase during the colder months. As a plant ally they create less work for your body through oxidation of toxins, eliminating them, so your body doesn’t have to spend so much energy fighting them.

Elderberry is high in vitamin C and A, as well as many other nutrients, so it’s the perfect herb to take on a daily basis to prevent sickness. It will keep your immune system boosted as we transition to fall weather.

Shop Elderberry Immune Boosters



The leaves are often hardiest during the fall and make for great lung medicine as we spent more time inside and less time absorbing fresh air.

It contains over 160 distinct polyphenols, which are plant-based chemical compounds that act as antioxidants in your body. Just as you sage your house to cleanse the air, you can do the same internally with sage tincture or using sage leaves to cook with.

Sage is also know to lower cholesterol. Add a few fresh leaves to hot water and enjoy as a tea. The antimicrobial affects of sage can help reduce plaque on teeth, so sipping as a tea or swishing the tincture around your mouth can promote healthy microbes.

Shop Sage Tincture


If you are looking for support in this seasonal transition and discovering what herbs are most in alignment for you, book a session on ‘discovering your plant allies’ and save 15% on single profile herbal tinctures,

with love, 


Stephanie Wencl